מגן דוד על "מקדש שלמה" החדש של סוקיו מהיקרי, דת יפנית שנוסדה בשנת 1959 ושני מיליון חסידיה מאמינים שהם שבט לוי החדש שיגאל את העולם באחרית הימים אחרי מלחמת גוג ומגוג
התמונה באדיבות
אלבום תמונות זה (מאת זאב ברקן) מוקדש למגן דוד, למקורו, לעברו, למשמעויות השונות שמיוחסות לצורתו בתרבויות שונות, ולשימושים המגוונים בהם הוא מככב. תמצאו בו אלפי תמונות של מגן דוד, הקסגרמה, חותם שלמה, טלאי צהוב. החומר שמרוכז כאן שימש להוצאה לאור של חמישה ספרים ולהצגת ארבע תערוכות אמנות
2 תגובות:
Anne wrote to me:
The textbook which new members receive during their initiation course (kenshu) simply says, as an explanation of the Star of David that surrounds the SM emblem, "The crest of the Sun race, the Mayan race of the continent of Mu, and later the sign of Moses".
There are other explanations about the significance of the 2 triangles that make up the star, and a claimed connection between the Jewish and Japanese people. I don't know a lot about the latter, but many of the "new" Japanese religions had this concept, not just SM...
In the meantime, you might be interested in Greenwoods free internet book on the subject of SM:
For now,
Excerpts from Garry Greenwood free Internet book on the subject of Sukyo Mahikari
"Roman, Islamic, Shinto and contemporary architecture were all delicately blended within the overall magnificent design - a design which had been revealed to our great saviour a decade earlier. Beautiful seals or crests in the shape of The Star Of David were prominently placed high up on its roof. On the 3rd November, 1984 I proudly led our delegation of two hundred members up the many steps of the newly completed golden temple…I marvelled at the various religious symbols emblazoned here and there upon the temple. These included our beloved Mahikari symbol, the royal seal of the Japanese Imperial Emperor - the sixteen petalled chrysanthemum, the Star of David and the fire crosses, or reverse swastikas from the Mu continent… Interestingly, the most commonly used seal or symbol of Sukyo Mahikari is the Star of David. It appears on all published material, badges worn by members, and is emblazoned on God's golden temple. We cannot deny it: this is the symbol of the Cult of Gold. According to Yoshikazu Okada, the symbol itself came from the Mu continent before its submergence. Since the Japanese islands are the remnants of the ancient Mu continent, this explains why Mahikari uses the symbol. Yoshikazu Okada said that originally the symbol belonged to them, and that King David copied the design from the descendants of the survivors of Mu. "The Star of David is also what I made Moses use as his crest... Therefore God's kingdom has been symbolised by the Star of David," writes Okada…At the Japanese Science Promotion Foundation Museum. Set in Kitanomaru Park, the museum is financed by Japan's nuclear industry. The Foundation also sponsors a museum for suicide fighters. It is at the Science Promotion Foundation museum that known Aum operatives would meet. The museum is covered with around 5,000 Stars of David!"
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